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Quote Ticker
  • CORN (Dec 24) 413'6 4'2 10/22/24   10:04 AM CST
  • CORN (Mar 25) 426'6 3'4 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • CORN (May 25) 433'6 3'2 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • CORN (Jul 25) 437'4 2'6 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • CORN (Sep 25) 432'4 2'0 10/22/24   10:03 AM CST
  • CORN (Dec 25) 439'2 2'0 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • CORN (Mar 26) 450'0 2'0 10/22/24   9:55 AM CST
  • CORN (May 26) 453'0 -1'0 10/22/24   6:42 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 24) 987'4 6'4 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Jan 25) 995'4 5'6 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Mar 25) 1008'4 6'4 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (May 25) 1023'2 7'2 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Jul 25) 1035'2 7'0 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Aug 25) 1036'6 7'2 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Sep 25) 1029'4 7'2 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 25) 1031'4 6'0 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 24) 573'6 1'4 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 25) 593'4 1'2 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • WHEAT (May 25) 603'4 0'4 10/22/24   10:04 AM CST
  • WHEAT (Jul 25) 609'6 0'2 10/22/24   10:04 AM CST
  • WHEAT (Sep 25) 619'2 0'2 10/22/24   10:04 AM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 25) 633'4 1'0 10/22/24   9:28 AM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 26) 641'0 -0'4 10/22/24   7:43 AM CST
  • WHEAT (May 26) 652'2 0'0 10/21/24   1:15 PM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Nov 24) 0.724100 0.001000 10/22/24   8:20 AM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Dec 24) 0.724600 0.000900 10/22/24   10:04 AM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Jan 25) 0.725650 0.001150 10/22/24   9:58 AM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Oct 24) 187.925 0.925 10/22/24   9:56 AM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Dec 24) 187.625 0.800 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Feb 25) 188.250 0.625 10/22/24   10:05 AM CST

Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 409'0 416'2 408'2 413'6 4'2 409'4 10:04A Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 422'2 428'4 421'6 426'6 3'4 423'2 10:05A Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
May 25 429'6 435'4 429'0 433'6 3'2 430'4 10:05A Chart for @C5K Options for @C5K
Jul 25 434'0 439'0 433'2 437'4 2'6 434'6 10:05A Chart for @C5N Options for @C5N
Sep 25 430'0 433'4 429'2 432'4 2'0 430'4 10:05A Chart for @C5U Options for @C5U
Dec 25 436'0 440'4 436'0 439'2 2'0 437'2 10:05A Chart for @C5Z Options for @C5Z
Mar 26 447'2 450'6 447'0 450'0 2'0 448'0 10:05A Chart for @C6H Options for @C6H
May 26 453'2 454'2 452'6 453'0 -1'0 454'0 10:05A Chart for @C6K Options for @C6K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 980'4 993'0 976'6 987'4 6'4 981'0 10:05A Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Jan 25 989'0 1000'6 986'6 995'4 5'6 989'6 10:05A Chart for @S5F Options for @S5F
Mar 25 1002'0 1013'2 999'2 1008'4 6'4 1002'0 10:05A Chart for @S5H Options for @S5H
May 25 1015'4 1027'6 1013'0 1023'2 7'2 1016'0 10:05A Chart for @S5K Options for @S5K
Jul 25 1028'0 1039'6 1025'0 1035'2 7'0 1028'2 10:05A Chart for @S5N Options for @S5N
Aug 25 1029'4 1040'6 1026'4 1036'6 7'2 1029'4 10:05A Chart for @S5Q Options for @S5Q
Sep 25 1022'2 1032'6 1019'2 1029'4 7'2 1022'2 10:05A Chart for @S5U Options for @S5U
Nov 25 1025'0 1035'4 1022'0 1031'4 6'0 1025'4 10:05A Chart for @S5X Options for @S5X
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 574'0 576'0 565'6 573'6 1'4 572'2 10:05A Chart for @W4Z Options for @W4Z
Mar 25 593'2 596'0 586'4 593'4 1'2 592'2 10:05A Chart for @W5H Options for @W5H
May 25 605'2 606'4 597'2 603'4 0'4 603'0 10:05A Chart for @W5K Options for @W5K
Jul 25 612'0 613'2 604'0 609'6 0'2 609'4 10:05A Chart for @W5N Options for @W5N
Sep 25 620'2 622'6 614'2 619'2 0'2 619'0 10:05A Chart for @W5U Options for @W5U
Dec 25 633'4 636'0 628'4 633'4 1'0 632'4 10:05A Chart for @W5Z Options for @W5Z
Mar 26 641'0 641'0 638'2 641'0 -0'4 641'4 10:05A Chart for @W6H Options for @W6H
May 26 652'2 0'0 642'2 10:05A Chart for @W6K Options for @W6K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 0.723650 0.724500 0.723650 0.724100 0.001000 0.723100 10:04A Chart for @CD4X Options for @CD4X
Dec 24 0.724150 0.725150 0.723900 0.724600 0.000900 0.723700 10:04A Chart for @CD4Z Options for @CD4Z
Jan 25 0.725100 0.725650 0.724800 0.725650 0.001150 0.724500 10:04A Chart for @CD5F Options for @CD5F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Jan 30 Chart for @LH0F Options for @LH0F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Oct 24 187.350 188.400 187.350 187.925 0.925 187.000 10:05A Chart for @LE4V Options for @LE4V
Dec 24 187.000 188.200 187.000 187.625 0.800 186.825 10:05A Chart for @LE4Z Options for @LE4Z
Feb 25 187.675 188.850 187.675 188.250 0.625 187.625 10:05A Chart for @LE5G Options for @LE5G
My Custom Markets
Symbol Open High Low Last Change Close Time More

Intraday Commodities

USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report
Monday, October 21, 2024 3:59PM CDT
Corn was 65% harvested and soybeans were 81% harvested as of Sunday, Oct. 20, according to USDA NASS' weekly Crop Progress Report. Winter wheat was 73% planted.
Breaking Down CRP Acreage, Rental Rates
Monday, October 21, 2024 2:39PM CDT
The USDA's Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) has reached its highest enrollment level since 2013, with a notable shift toward Grasslands CRP, which supports grazing operations. Under the Biden administration, CRP acreage has increased by 5.36 million acres, now totaling 25.86 million acres -- just shy of the 27-million-acre cap established by the 2018 Farm Bill.
Savvy Seed Decisions - 4
Monday, October 21, 2024 2:04PM CDT
Farmers have myriad choices when it comes to seed treatments. DTN/Progressive Farmer sits down with Seed Life Brand Manager Katie Dowson to discuss these crop protection products.
Top 5 Things to Watch
Sunday, October 20, 2024 4:51AM CDT
Concerns shift from hurricane recovery to the current onslaught of wildfires literally sparked by harvest equipment. We'll also continue our ongoing Savvy Seed Decisions series.

Attention Customers

2025 IP Premiums now available!
See the menu on the left hand side of the page!  Sign up before the 15th of November for bonus premium and a chance to win!
Order your seed at OEL

London Knights on the ice again Friday, Oct. 25 - send us an email to for your chance to win a set of 4 tickets!

Britt Hodgert, CCA-ON, has joined the team as IP Soybean Program Manager and will be overseeing this program as well as be part of OEL's expanding input sales program.  A reminder to call Britt if you're considering pre-harvest burndown to arrange a field inspection: 519-719-8122

Brian Switzer, CCA-ON 
has joined the OEL team, after 26 years in the input business at Kirkton and Centralia.  Talk to Brian at OEL's Centralia location for all your input needs!  Give him a call at (519) 274-4798 for your fall P and K needs - custom appl and spreaders available.  

A little birdie told us that a longtime OEL customer had a birthday on Oct 20th!  
If you happen to see Erle H, be sure to wish him a HAPPY 80TH!!


Quote of the Day

"Computers will never replace good old-fashioned human stupidity."

~ Anon

Local Cash Bids
Basis Cash Price
 2024 Crop  Chart
 2025 Crop  Chart
 2026 Crop  Chart

Basis Cash Price
 2024 Crop  Chart
 2025 Crop  Chart
 2026 Crop  Chart

Basis Cash Price
 2024 Crop  Chart
 2025 Crop  Chart
 2026 Crop  Chart

Basis Cash Price
 2024 Crop  Chart
 2025 Crop  Chart
 2026 Crop  Chart

IP SOYS: S03W4 S07M8 S10R2 S12J7 S04-K9 ZETA MYA
Basis Cash Price
 2024 Crop  Chart

IP SOYS: SQWH S18R6, P11A10, P15A20, P13A03
Basis Cash Price
 2024 Crop  Chart

Basis Cash Price
 2024 Crop  Chart

Price as of 10/22/24 10:16AM CDT.
Month Symbols
Click to view more Cashbids

Local Conditions
Exeter, ON
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 16oC Feels Like: 16oC
Humid: 53% Dew Pt: 6oC
Barom: 30 Wind Dir: SSE
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 9 km/h
Sunrise: 7:49 Sunset: 6:31
As reported at HPSTS Exeter, ON at 10:00 AM
Local Radar
Exeter, ON
Local Temps
Local Forecast
Exeter, ON





High: 23°C
Low: 9°C
Precip: 0%
High: 17°C
Low: 7°C
Precip: 70%
High: 11°C
Low: 3°C
Precip: 0%
High: 14°C
Low: 3°C
Precip: 56%
High: 12°C
Low: 4°C
Precip: 21%
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DTN Weather Summary
Small System and Front for Tuesday
Bryce Anderson (Bio) – DTN Meteorologist
Posted at 5:38AM Tue Oct 22, 2024 CDT

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